3 Care Tips That Can Keep Your AC Unit Running Great For Years

19 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

During the summer months, the AC unit plays a major role in cooling your home. So that it continues running smoothly, you need to put some time and effort into its maintenance. This doesn't have to be challenging if you remember these care tips.  Change Out the Air Filter  One of the more important components of your AC is the air filter, which is designed to keep particles like dirt and debris from entering your HVAC system. Read More 

How Your HVAC Contractor Can Keep Your Family Healthy

7 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

To keep the air quality in your home healthy for you and your family, contact a furnace services professional a couple times a year for routine maintenance and checkups. A faulty or dirty furnace not only has the potential for diminishing optimal air quality, it can also cause serious illness. Here are some ways your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) contractor can help keep your furnace running smoothly while keeping your family healthy: Read More 

Tips to Clean the Condenser Unit before You Turn Your Air Conditioning Unit on after Winter

10 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Once winter leaves and the weather starts warming up it is time to crank up the air conditioner. Before you do this, however, you need to make sure you take care of some things. One of these things is cleaning the condenser unit. Below is some information about what the condenser unit is, as well as tips for cleaning it. This will reduce the chances of something happening to your air conditioner. Read More 

Tips For Preparing Your Central Air Conditioning Unit For Winter

9 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

As fall approaches, you may be thinking about what you need to do to get your home ready for the winter months, with shutting down your central air conditioner being a part of this list. If so, use the following tips to get your central air conditioning unit ready for winter weather. Change the Filter Throughout the summer months, you may have stayed diligent about changing the air filter to keep your unit working properly. Read More 

Commercial Coatings For Your HVAC Unit

7 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Heating and air conditioning are essential elements for any commercial space. The HVAC units that help produce the heated or cooled air required to maintain comfortable interior temperatures can be unsightly. By making the choice to have your commercial HVAC unit coated with a protective layer, you can improve the aesthetic of your unit while actively preventing corrosion that might compromise the function of your HVAC system. Architectural Coatings When your concerns about the appearance of your HVAC unit are primarily about the aesthetic impact the unit has on your commercial building, then an architectural coating can be beneficial. Read More