3 Signs That Indicate That Your Air Conditioner's Drain Line Is Clogged

22 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Most people who live in very hot climates use their home's air conditioning every day during the summer months. A residential air conditioning system is designed to work efficiently for many years, but just like any other complex appliance, an air conditioner can develop issues that need to be repaired. One common air conditioning issue that requires repair is a clogged drain line. An air conditioner operates by removing moisture from the air, and as the water cools, it slowly drips into the condensate pan and then flows into the drain line. Continue reading to learn the signs of a clogged A/C drain line so you can have repairs made.

Condensate Pan is Full of Water

A condensate pan is designed to collect water and transfer it to the drain line. If you're a homeowner, it is in your best interest to check your air conditioning unit's condensate pan on a regular basis. Large amounts of water should not collect in a condensate pan; if you inspect your condensate pan and discover that it is full, it usually means that there is a clog in the drain line and the water is not able to flow through. In this type of situation, contact an air conditioning repair technician to diagnose the issue and make the necessary repairs.

Pools of Water Around A/C Unit

A small amount of water around your outdoor air conditioning unit usually is not cause for concern. However, if you see a lot of standing water around your A/C unit, it may be due to the fact that excess moisture is not flowing down the drain line because it is clogged. If you notice a pool of liquid around your air conditioning unit, don't touch it. While it is most likely water, it is also possible that the liquid can be coolant that is leaking, and coolant is toxic. Your best bet is to contact an HVAC contractor if you notice a pool of liquid around your air conditioning unit.

Musty Smell

If you notice a musty, moldy smell when your air conditioning is running and air is flowing through your vents, don't brush off the issue. When excess moisture is not removed from the air conditioning unit because the drain line is clogged, it is possible for mold and mildew to grow. The presence of mold and mildew in your air conditioning system can be hazardous to your health, so it is important to have the issue resolved promptly.