Top Furnace Features To Consider

26 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Modern furnaces come with multiple bells and whistles. Many of these new features are useful, but some are more useful than others. Below are some of the useful features to consider. Variable Speed Blowers The blower is the part of the furnace that gets the heated air circulating in the house; it 'blows' the air. There are three main types of blowers for furnaces. Single-stage blowers are either on or off; that is, they either blow air or don't. Read More 

3 Reasons You Should Consider Upgrading Your Heating System In The Summer

25 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Did your heating system barely make it through the winter? Or maybe you have noticed that your heating system repair bills have been increasing or coming more frequently lately? Whatever the case may be, it may be a good idea to consider having a new system installed prior to the winter season. Though this is probably the last thing that is on your mind during the summer, these are the months that are best for investing in a brand-new heating system. Read More 

Identifying And Insulating Pipes Before Winter: How Your Local Professionals Can Help

18 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have recently noticed that many of the pipes in your home do not appear to be insulated, and winter is on the way, you may want to take a Saturday or other spare day to identify these pipes and insulate them. Usually, turning on one hot tap in your home at a time will help you identify which hot water pipes are which, and which pipes are hot water only as opposed to cold water pipes. Read More 

The AC Is Leaking Freon: Do You Have To Replace It?

9 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you step outside to see colored fluid leaking out of your air conditioner, your first thought may be that it's time to buy a new unit. Refrigerant leaks can be expensive and time-consuming to repair, so it is true that replacement is often the best choice. But this is not always true. Here is a closer look at when it may and may not be worthwhile to repair an air conditioner that is leaking Freon. Read More 

HVAC Systems And Bad Weather: 4 Things To Do

9 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Many people think about winter when they think about damaging storms, but other seasons, particularly spring and summer, can have their fair share of severe storms as well — and these storms can wreak serious havoc on your HVAC system. Unfortunately, storm damage can result in expensive repairs and a shortened lifespan for your system. Because of this, you want to do everything you can to ensure that your system is adequately protected if your weather forecast shows strong winds, heavy rain, thunder, and/or lightning. Read More